Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
ArrayUtil Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static runFunctionOnArrayValues (&$aArray, $mCallback)
static trimStringsInArray (&$aArray)
static arrayIsAssociative (&$aArray)
static setEmptyArrayValuesToNull (&$aArray)
static inArray ($mScalar, $aArray, $bStrict=true, $sKeyMethod=null)
static assocUnshift (&$aArray)
static assocPeek (&$aArray)
static assocKeyPeek (&$aArray)
static arrayWithValuesAsKeys ($aArray)

Member Function Documentation

static ArrayUtil::assocUnshift ( $aArray)

Prepends an element/multiple elements to the beginning of the associative array Usage: assocUnshift($array, $key1, value1, key2, value2, …)

If multiple elements are passed, they end up being in the order in which they are given Example: assocUnshift($array, 'zero', 0, 'one', 1) will result in $array being array('zero' => 0, 'one' => 1, …)

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